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Does Playing Music While Driving Distract You?

Music is something that we all enjoy, whether you listen to it a little or a lot; we all like a good tune to sing along to. But does music cause problems in the car? 

Everyday most people travelling by car will put on the radio or put in their favourite CD, but does this music distract us from driving? Is it dangerous? And why do so many people choose to listen to music while they travel?

The average driver will listen to around 7 hours of music in their car every week. This amounts to around 12 billion hours of noise pollution each year in the UK.
 We also have to look at how this affects other people, if you have your music very loud in your car; it may not only be a distraction to you, but also to other drivers on the road. It has been revealed that around 63% become angry with other road users playing their music too loudly.

Drivers will play music around 72% of the time that they are in their car and around a quarter of these will listen to their music every single time they are in the car. Around 61% of people believe that listening to music makes the journey go by faster, people also find it relaxing and entertaining to sing along with the music, that’s even more noise pollution! 
These reasons explain why most road users choose to play music in their car while driving. But is it risky? Around 22% of men almost had an accident due to playing music in the car and around 12% of women also nearly experienced an accident as a result of listening to music in the car. There is not much in it but this does show that men are a little more likely to become distracted by their music.

It is not only music that causes distraction while driving, research shows that mobile phones, passengers and children can also be large distractions while driving. 

So do you feel like you are distracted by music in your car?

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