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Two Cents per Mile

Back in 1969 I had a Dodge Dart that got 16 miles per gallon.  Back then gas cost about 32 cents per gallon, so it cost me 2 cents per mile to drive (32 cents/16 miles).  Pretty cheap, even in those days.

Today our Chevy Volt gets 3.3 miles per kilowatt hour.  PG&E charges us about 6 cents per kilowatt hour for charging midnight to seven AM (including fixed charges to connect to the grid and to read the meter).  So that is 6 cents per kwh divided by 3.3 miles per kwh = 1.8 cents per mile!  Just to keep it simple, I just say that it costs 2 cents per mile to drive.  Really cheap, much cheaper than 1969 when you include inflation!

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